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Half Moon Bay's Ol' Fashioned 4th of July

54th Half Moon Bay Ol' Fashioned 4th of July Parade, Pancake Breakfast, Block Party & Festival

Let the good times roll! With 2025 marking it’s 54th rendition, Half Moon Bay's beloved Ol' Fashioned 4th of July Parade along with a Pancake Breakfast, Block Party & Festival takes over Main Street, transforming the charming downtown into a festive Red, White and Blue celebration. The parade starts at 12 noon and lasts approximately 90 minutes.

A time-honored, home-spun tradition, the parade celebrates Independence Day in small town America with an entertaining array of whimsical floats, marching bands, horses, community service groups, classically cool cars, decorated trikes and bikes, parading pooches, youth sports teams, dance and theatre troupes, photos and fun with the delightfully rotund, playful and mischievious Pumpkin Festival mascot “Gourdy”, a Color Guard by the American Legion, and local dignitaries and celebrities slowly winding their way through the crowded downtown along Main Street between Filbert and Mill Streets.

Honoring Half Moon Bay’s western heritage and always a parade highlight, there will be a large number of equine entries with prizes awarded in several categories. Half Moon Bay’s famous, 40-member strong “Sitting Marching Band” will be in their usual perch at Main and Kelly playing an array of patriotic ballads during the parade.

Al Adreveno, honored WWII veteran, 4-time mayor, founding member of Pumpkin Festival and Weigh-off, and centenarian will serve as parade grand marshalHalf Moon Bay's Rock of Gibraltar and 5-tool player Naomi Patridge will serve as parade Grand Marshal. Patridge is a 25-year member of the Half Moon Bay City Council, 7-term Mayor, prominent volunteer, past National Federation Interscholastic Coaches Association Coach of the Year for local youth softball, and has worn many hats serving the community in which she grew up.

The Half Moon Bay Lions Club will be hosting its annual 4th of July Pancake Breakfast in the City Hall parking lot (501 Main Street) from 8am to 11:30am.

Adding to the festivities are the Coastside Chamber 4th of July Block Party in Mac Dutra Plaza with beer and wine, live music, a kids zone and a Patriotic Outfit Contest (ends at 3pm), plus IDES 4th of July Festival with live music, food and drink booths, arts and crafts vendors and kids activities (ends at 4pm).

The parade is sponsored by the Half Moon Bay Beautification Committee and Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival.

4th Of July Parade Opening Banner 2017
4th Of July Parade American Legion 2017
4th Of July Parade Boy Scouts 2017
4th Of July Parade Hula Dancers 2017


Honoring Half Moon Bay’s western heritage and always a parade highlight, there will be a large number of equine entries.

Beautiful White Horse In Parade
4th Of July Parade Equestrian Entries
4th Of July Parade Hispanic Dancers
4th Of July Parade Girls With Banner 2017

4th Of July Parade Classic Cars
Hmb Winery Vintage Pickup In Parade
Vintage Chevy Ready For July 4th Parade
4th Of July Parade Hmb Surf Club 2017

For many locals, it’s one of their favorite events of the year.

The parade starts at 12pm, transforming the charming downtown along Main Street into a pulsating Coastsider take on a mini-Mardi Gras style celebration.

There will be no judging of parade entries this year; simply a celebration of community.

Sitting Marching Band
4th Of July Parade Hula Dancers 2017
Parade Cunha Intermediate School Band With Sign
Parade Pacifica School District Vallemar Cabrillo Band With Sign

Parade Cunha Intermediate School Band With Sign
Parade Cunha Intermediate School Band
Parade Half Moon Bay High School Band With Sign
Parade Half Moon Bay High School Band


WHEN:  Parade starts at 12 noon and lasts approximately one hour.

WHERE:  On Main Street in Half Moon Bay, CA.

REGISTRATION FORMS: Those interested in participating can find parade entry forms at City Hall, Half Moon Bay Feed & Fuel and Cameron’s Inn or download forms below.

General Registration Form Equine Registration Form

54th Annual Ol' Fashioned 4th of July Parade and Festival in Half Moon Bay

Ol' Fashioned 4th of July Parade & Festival
54th Annual Event!
JULY 4, 2025 11am to 4pm
Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA